Just Graduated From Cosmetology School! Now What?

Just Graduated From Cosmetology School! Now What?

What to do after graduating from Cosmetology School

You’ve survived cosmetology school – it has taken hundreds of hours to become properly licensed, coupled with a strenuous apprenticeship. While most institutions and cosmetology schools have some sort of alum program to ensure that students are employed, it can be challenging to enter the industry, particularly if you reside in a highly competitive market. Here is how to differentiate your skills to set you apart from your competitors, and what steps to take to solidify your position in the cosmetic industry.

You’ve Graduated – Now What?

The course load of your cosmetology classes covers essential techniques when it comes to hair, body, nail, and skin care. Most schools offer specializations as part of their curriculum; but to differentiate yourself further, you’ll need to obtain further school or additional licensure. This will provide you with the necessary skill set to be competitive in the job market. Here’s how to select a specialization after you’ve graduated from cosmetology school:

Research. Research specializations. Some of the more popular specialties include hair colorist, an esthetician, or a barber. Online quizzes and platforms will streamline the selection process, adhering to your coursework and relevant work experiences.

Network. Networking is the panacea to a stalled career- do not be afraid to attend seminars, ask questions at your local salon or beautician’s office, and revisit the relationships that you had with your apprenticeship.

Starting Out As a Hairstylist

To become a hairstylist, you will need to attend a cosmetology program that will bestow graduates with an associates degree and/or a state-approved license. To find an available program, complete a search on the American Association of Cosmetology Schools.

Salon Suites Near Me

After you’ve graduated, you will want to showcase your skills. At Imagique salon Suites, you will partner with a local suite that can be the starting point to your business. Imagique empowers recent graduates with a salon experience that can be designed to fit their vision. Locations throughout Plano and Richardson will enable you to take advantage of a thriving pool of potential clients who have shown to be eager to try new salons. Here are some of the benefits when you enter a partnership with Imagique salon:

  • Contemporary design to fit your image. Porcelain tiles, granite spaces, and big windows will provide a professional and clean work area.
  • An onsite manager. Imagique salon will provide you with a manager to ensure that you stay abreast with the terms of your partnership and the daily activities of your salon.
  • Starting your own business. No more hunting for an appropriate space to open your salon; Imagique salon has all of the equipment you need to start your hairstylist career.
  • Access to equipment. Entering a lease with Imagique salon will provide your business with the necessities: hood dryers, styling chairs, and several shampoo bowels. High-speed internet and wifi will also be included with your lease agreement.

Imagique Salon Suites

Imagique does not just cater to those starting as a hairstylist; we also offer lease agreements for recent graduates specializing in manicures, estheticians, waxing, and nail technicians. Contact us to learn more and to download our leasing application.